This assignment is requiring students to outline two articles of their choice on the same theme/topic, then write a reflection essay (400 words

  • bring two articles on the same topic/theme of their choice.
  • outlining the two articles by skimming, scanning, highlighting and annotating main idea of each paragraph. (10 marks)
  • write a reflection essay (400 words) on what they have read, comprehended and analyzed in the two articles by applying the following sub-reading skills.
    • comparing the author’s focus, attitude and/or position in both articles.
    • identifying pivot words and explain their function in each article, if any.
    • comparing cause and effect relationships in both articles, if any.
    • mentioning different types of categorization/classifications in both articles, if any.
    • highlighting advantages and disadvantages in both articles, if any.
    • Comparing different strategies/instructions/steps in both articles, if any.