In your textbook Leading and Managing in Nursing, read Chapter 30, “The Strategic Planning Process.”
In your textbook Fundamentals of Project Management, read:
Chapter 1, “An Overview of Project Management”
Chapter 2, “The Role of the Project Manager”
Chapter 3, “Incorporating Stakeholder Management in the Project Planning Process”
Chapter 4, “Planning the Project”
Chapter 5, “Developing a Mission, Vision, Goals, and Objectives for the Project”
View the presentation Strategic Planning for Change.pptx.
Download and review the Strategic Plan Resource 2017.docx file.
Identify a specific problem or need to serve as the basis for a strategic plan. The actual need that you identify could be related to process improvement, patient safety, quality service, effective workflow, or ongoing education to address a knowledge deficit. The project must be patient-centered and must have a measurable outcome. The scope of the strategic plan should be such that it can be accomplished within an 8-week period of time and serve as a future capstone project in your final course. It is recommended that you interview formal and informal leaders in your chosen healthcare environment to assess for needs or problems that would benefit from a change initiative that might fall within your scope of practice and the assigned capstone time frame.