The Study of Social Classes in Literature

A.Choose an author from the list provided in Google Classroom. I recommend you do some research on the author and topic before you choose one. Each is unique and is from a different genre and time period. Once you have decided please type your name by the one you chose. If it is gone, you must choose another. Only one person per author and story.

B. You will write a paper on both the author and work, and then you will present your work to the class as if you were teaching it to us. You will become the expert on both.

C.When writing your paper, it will be done in MLA style. All sources used throughout the paper must be cited within the paper and in a Works Cited page. This includes the textbook. There is no set amount of sources you must use.

D. You will be writing a 2-3 page paper on both the author and their work. Make sure to include important facts/details about the author that may show why they wrote the work.

Your paper should be written in the following format:
Write a small bio/background on the author for the first paragraph of your paper. This should include any important information or life experiences that your author went through.

Paragraph two needs to include a breakdown of the author’s story/poem. This is where you will want to do some outside research. Explore ideas such as What are important themes or ideas or social issues within the text? What tone does the author portray? How are characters used? Is there a particular style this work is written in?

Paragraph three is your personal opinion. You may use you or I in this section. You will now analyze the work personally. Do not simply summarize the text. Think about such questions as “How does the information presented to you influence what you thought you knew? “How has it made you think about life on a deeper level and has it changed your thinking on a certain topic?” “Is there something or someone in the text that you can make a personal connection to?” “What did you find good about this story/poem and what was not so good?” “What flaws if any do you see in this specific piece of literature?” Do not feel limited to these questions, please add whatever you think is appropriate.

The second part of the project will be presenting this information. You will act as if you are
teaching it to the class. Using Power Point you will present this information and inform and
educate your classmates. Please keep your presentation time to 5-7 minutes.
The total project is a 100 point test grade. 75 points for the paper, and 25 for the presentation.

Your paper and presentation are due Wed, March 2nd at the start of your class period. We will
begin Presentations on the 2nd, and continue on through the following week. Have a
printed out copy of your paper when you come to class that day, and you will also need to turn in
a copy of your Powerpoint into Google Classroom. Presentations will begin March 2nd and will
continue as long as needed.