Robert Emmet Assignment

Robert Emmet, a young United Irishman who led a short-lived, ill-fated rebellion against Britain in 1803, is often seen as a poignant, tragic figure in Irish history, particularly in Irish nationalist narratives. Who was Robert Emmet? What did he stand for? Why did he make this famous speech from the dock in 1803? How well do we know him? What impact has he had on the politics of memory in Ireland? How would you measure the success of his rebellion? Using the sources provided here (one primary source, two secondary sources), write your own assessment of Robert Emmet and his place in history. Bring all the skills you have learned in doing W5+H exercises to your interpretation of his speech. Think about the arguments that Elliott and Whelan make in their articles and the evidence they put forward about this moment in history. Then, come to your own conclusions about Emmet as a historical subject.