Reading and Reflective Writing – Assignment #1

Answer the following questions in a few paragraphs. Do not repeat the questions or, conversely, just provide answers to the questions. The discussion needs to be written in paragraph form – as a discussion.

a) How do lithium batteries work, and what materials are involved?

b) How do we, currently, get most of these materials? What problems do these methods (for procuring these materials) face (e.g., do we have enough; environmental concerns; social concerns)?

c) How are we trying to move away from mining, and how are we improving that process? What are some of the obstacles to that process?

Address the following questions, in paragraph form.

a) How has your understanding of electric vehicle (EV) batteries or all “green” battery solutions changed? Have you ever thought about where the materials for cars, cell phones, windmills, solar panels. . . comes from and at what cost?

b) What did you learn about the environmental and social implications of switching to greener energy sources. . .or at least lithium batteries? How does this make you feel about the use of electric cars, cell phones, technology in general. . . either in the big- picture or just your own use?

c) Should we be trying to extract/recycle these materials more in the United States? Should we be requiring others to meet our environmental and societal standards?

d) Are there things you can do as an individual or as part of a larger collective to help address concerns related to these materials and processes?

e) Did you learn anything else that surprised or impressed you?