The Sequential Intercept Mapping Tool

1) Based upon The Sequential Intercept Mapping Tool , identify and briefly describe three (pre-booking community and/or law enforcement) problem solving diversionary models and briefly describe the "root cause" or vexing social problem(s) each court model is intended to address.

2) Applying The Sequential Intercept Mapping Tool identify three (3) (post- booking) problem solving criminal justice models/strategies for either the adult criminal justice or juvenile justice systems.

3) Describe the relationship of Adverse Childhood Experiences (The ACE Study/trauma) to criminal and/or juvenile justice involvement. Provide 3 recommendations to prevent and the impact of ACEs in America.

4) Expound on the relationship to adverse childhood experiences, and the need for trauma-informed approaches across the JJ/CJ systems. Support your assertions with evidence-based data.

5) Can you identify three special populations and describe existing challenges and/or barriers within the criminal justice or juvenile justice system you would propose like to see improved.

6) Briefly describe the Kotter 8-Step Process for Leading Change and identify at least one key component or fidelity related to each of the 8 steps.

7) According to the Jeremy Travis, Chair of the National Research Center, there is an urgent need to reduce the growth of incarceration in the U.S. Can you identify 3 major consequences of high incarceration rates for each of the following categories: 1) individuals 2) families, and 3) communities.

8) Describe the 3) unique pathways of justice- involvement for girls, or women; and what recommendations would you make to promote diversion from the JJ or CJ.