Obtain information on the structure of economic, political, legal and cultural institutions in chosen country, and then create a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis for a hypothetical company that manufacturers and markets pre-packaged food products and/or consumer goods (think Kraft, Nestle, Proctor and Gamble and other large MNE in those industries).

Paper must be typed and consist of 4 double-spaced pages not including the cover page, appendices, maps and bibliography. The font size must be 12pt, the page margins one inch on all sides, and the pages must be numbered (do not number the cover page). All appendices and maps must be placed at the end of paper in an appendix (before the bibliography) and appropriately referenced within the paper. Must use a minimum of six (6)references for paper, including at least four (4)recently published articles(within the last 3 years).