The role of charity funds in solving social problems and integrating their operations with banks

Purpose of the Assessment
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that you can formulate academically rigorous and practically feasible research proposal, setting out the detailed parameters for the proposed independent research project.

Assessment Criteria
Your proposal should address the contents of the headings sections described above and these should fit together in a coherent way. You may wish to change the heading titles slightly, or merge some headings together, nevertheless, the proposal should provide the contents expected under such headings. Make sure that you use academic and authoritative sources of up-to-date literature and that you can show that you are familiar with different views and arguments in the literature about your topic. The methodology should be feasible as well as theoretically justified. Your proposal should show that it can be carried out to completion in realistic time frame. The specified word count excludes the reference list and appendices (if applicable).

Ensure that you know how to use Harvard referencing. Use the submission site to check the originality of your work; you will be able to overwrite the first submission by the due date.Also ensure that your proposal is not a copy from previous assignments. Please also note that pre-submission feedback will be provided by your critical friend.

This assignment will be marked in accordance with level 8 criteria.

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

a) Understand what scoping an area of research means.

b) Select an appropriate approach (philosophy and methodology) to meet specific research aims and objectives at doctoral level.

c) Develop a proposal for an original research project in line with the requirements of the University for doctoral study including full consideration of research integrity and ethics.

d) The ability to work independently.

e) Critical thinking and writing skills in presenting an academic case.