Arch assignment 2

The goal of this assignment is for you to investigate the types of buildings found in the külliye (complex) associated with the Mosque of Süleyman the Magnificent in Istanbul and how they inform us about the role of the mosque and royal patronage in Ottoman society.

Reading required for this essay:

Buildings Across Time, pp. 165-166, figures 7.25, 7.26. (I will attached the pictuce of the textbook below, total of 7 pictures)

“Süleymaniye Complex.” Grove Art Online.

Goodwin, Godfrey. “KülliyeLinks to an external site..” Grove Art Online.

Instructions for writing your paper:

All answers must be in your own words. Quotations may be used but must be less that 10% of your content. If you use a quotation or paraphrase, you must include a citation in the text and a complete reference at the end of the essay. See sections on citations and plagiarism at end of these instructions. Spelling and grammar will be graded.

Part One: The Buildings of the külliye

List five different types of buildings in the Külliye of Süleyman the Magnificent in Istanbul

Explain their purposes.

This part can be presented in a written paragraph, for example: “The buildings found in the complex include a mosque that served as a place for congregational prayer…” Or you can present it as a bullet point list: Mosque (Place for congregational prayer)

Part Two: The Purpose of the Külliye (Two paragraphs – 20 points)

Pick two of the buildings/purposes identified in part one of your paper, and explain what each one contributes to the people, the community, and the practice of the Islamic faith. This part should be written as two separate paragraphs.

Part Three: Reflection on Imperial Patronage in the Ottoman Empire (One paragraph – 10 points)

While the külliye with a mosque is found in many parts of the Islamic world, including Persia (modern Iran) and Egypt, the Ottoman rulers included buildings and facilities that provide resources and charity to the surrounding community. In you reflection you should consider the following points:

What are some of the reasons a ruler would be motivated to do this and what benefit would he see while he is ruling?

How might the complex promote his legacy after he has passed?

Citations: It is important to acknowledge the sources that provide factual information, opinions, or interpretations when writing your paper. Evans Library has a useful guide to understanding citations ( (Links to an external site.)) as well as links to various citation formats and styles.