Economic International Law

– The question is ‘What values, and whose interests, should International Economic Law promote? Why?’.

– The word limit is 4000 words including all footnotes. Bibliography is excluded from the word count. The word limit cannot exceed or fall below 10% of the word limit i.e. the word count cannot exceed 4400 or fall below 3600 words.

– The theme font is Arial with the size of 12 throughout the whole essay and bibliography. As for the footnote, it should used with the same font with the size of 10.

– The essay should demonstrate:

1. Knowledge and understanding of the origins, evolution and impact of international economic law and legal institutions; including economic, social,

political and cultural dimensions.

2. Knowledge and detailed understanding of the principles of international economic law by reference to appropriate primary and secondary sources.

3. An ability to analyze the legal structure and implications of specific international economic legal instruments such as investment agreements.

4. An ability to assess international economic law from multiple perspectives; in particular of individuals and organizations; in the public, private, and third

sectors; in relatively poor and relatively rich economic contexts; in times of calm and of crisis; and on local, national, regional and global levels.

-The writer must:

• Draw on specific examples both from the module and from your own independent research.

• Draw on sources both from the module and from your own independent research.

• Work towards the LW632 learning outcomes (see Module Guide) and the KLS assessment criteria (see Moodle).

– All main info of the module as well as the assessment will be covered in the files attached.

– However, the files do not include all of additional readings of the module that may be relevant to the project. The writer may contact me personally either through the chat or my email for the sources of particular topic of the module. Providing all of them at once may be too confusing for the writer.