Special Education Chapter 9

1. What is the first antecedent for day 1?
2. What was the behavior that followed the first antecedent?

3. What was the consequence that followed the first behavior?

FBA: Functions of Behavior

  • Attention
    From adults, peers
  • Tangible (material)
  • Escape/Avoid
    From adults, peers
  • Sensory

4. What was the next antecedent on day 1?
5. What behavior followed the second antecedent on day 1?

6. What was the consequence for the second behavior on day 1?

7. What was the next antecedent on day 1?
8. What behavior followed the third antecedent on day 1?

9. What was the consequence for the third behavior on day 1?

After two observations…
Were Jessica’s behaviors consistent throughout the observation?
What kind of intervention can be effective for Jessica?