Ch 7 Discussion

Examine two dimensions of parenting, acceptance/responsiveness and demandingness/control, and the four types of parents that express the combination of these dimensions (Maccoby, & Martin, 1983). Think about which parenting style your parents used and consider common developmental outcomes in middle childhood and adolescence for children raised with the different styles. Then answer the first question, then answer either the 2nd or 3rd:

• Do you think the new generation of parents is more permissive than previous generations? Are they more uninvolved (perhaps due to their own preoccupation with online activities)? State a position, and then make a prediction on how the trend will impact the development of children growing up now.

• Was the parenting style of your parent or caregiver consistent, for how you turned out, with the outcomes typically predicted for that style? Consider cultural variations and social class variations that influence acceptance/responsiveness and demandingness/controL


• Provide a link for an online post from a reliable source that gives parenting advice about discipline. Where do you see similarities and differences with the research findings on view discussion.