Career Resources and the Stanford Social Psychological Answers to Real-World Questions

Select an applied branch of social psychology: I have chosen military psychology In your initial post,
Discover relevant theoretical perspectives.
Discuss basic research applicable to solving real world problems in this domain.
Explain a minimum of three specific, relevant social psychological concepts.
Predict cultural considerations that may impact the application of this insight to diverse contexts.
Formulate original ideas for application of insight from social thinking, social influence, or social relations to a career proceeding from your selected branch of applied psychology.
Your initial post should include an explanation and analysis of applied social psychology (500-word minimum). Structure your post using complete Body Paragraphs (Links to an external site.), and consider using headings to organize the various required components of the prompt. (See APA Style Elements (Links to an external site.) for guidelines regarding the use of headings in your writing.) Your initial post should reference, at minimum, three scholarly sources in addition to any applicable course resources. Additional Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources are encouraged.

The following general suggestions may be useful as you craft your replies:

Describe examples that further illustrate relevant social psychological concepts.
Relate the content in your classmate’s post to that of your own or another’s initial contribution or reply.
Provide supplementary sources or reference course material that adds additional insight.