Monoclonal antibody infusion

Conduct a literature search based on keywords and locate 6-8 peer reviewed nursing and healthcare research articles no older than 2015 on your project topic. You may also use historical research on your topic as appropriate.

Write an annotation of each, summarizing each article in a narrative; include the purpose, design, sample reported, tools of measurement used, type of data collected, limitations of the study and suggestions for further research and practice. Refer to the resources on how to write an annotated bibliography and the examples in this module. One paragraph for each source is adequate for this review.

Analyze your annotated bibliography and present your conclusions related to project topic. Discuss how your conclusions will contribute to your project plan.

Identify short- and long-term goals for the project topic. The goals must be focused on the problem identified, measurable, achievable, and have a time frame.

Customer files

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