Exegesis – Print and Photography

An exegesis is a critical explanation and interpretation of a text. Beginning February
10, a quote from the required readings will be posted each week and this quote will form the basis of your exegesis for that week. This assignment is designed for you to show off your knowledge and critical interpretation of required course readings, so be sure to carefully read and re-read this material! Required readings for this assignment means the readings listed on the syllabus.


Find the weekly quote on Canvas, in the Modules section. Place the quote in the context of the reading as a whole. What role does it play within the reading — what specific idea and/or issue does it help us focus on? Why is this idea and/or issue important for the reading’s overall argument?


Discuss how this quote relates to the other required reading from the same week. How does this quote help us look more carefully at the historical dimensions of the technologyies we’re discussing this week? In what ways does it complement the perspective(s) found in the other reading, and how does this connection further our knowledge or understanding?


Come up with one research question we could ask by drawing on this quote. Why is this research question worth investigating? How will it encourage us to think more critically about the idea(s) and/or issue(s) you identified in steps #1 and #2?