Women’s rights movement in the 1920’s-60’s was the beginning of woman freedom and to be independent. The objective of this paper is to explore the main achievements of the last century in the women rights movement and investigate the struggles and activism they have sustained. Specifically provides information how women in power contribute to the success with their activism.

Find 2-3scholarly articles that relate to the material you covered in your first written assignment.
These articles should be articles that have been peer reviewed, and they should be available through the library in full-text format.
Consult the guidelines on how to search the library, select an appropriate database, and access appropriate articlesopens in a new window.

Read the articles you select carefully, using not only the strategies that Rampolla outlines in chapter 2 but also the tips for careful reading that she offers on reading actively and thinking like a historian in chapters 3-4.

Using the articles you have found as well as the documents/essays you analyzed in the Module 1 assignment, prepare an essay of 1,000 to 1,200 words that presents a coherent historical argument with a well-defined thesis, introduction, body, and conclusion.