This is a scientific review of literature of the provided articles associated with finding ways to improve the preparedness of emergency departments in handling patient surges during pandemics and disasters. An introduction, body, and conclusion must be done for each article to be reviewed.

Introduction: Provides an introductory paragraph that explains what the working topic or issue is and provides the key topics or themes that will be covered in the review.

Body: Summarizes and synthesizes main points or themes and combines them into a coherent whole. You should not just paraphrase other researchers work but add your own interpretations and discuss the significance of findings in relations to the themes. The literature review should use well structured paragraphs with transitions to draw connections, comparisons, and contrasts.

Conclusion: summarizes the key findings or themes. You connect the literature back to your primary question or topic. Additionally gaps in research should be identified, ex. “The scarcity of literature in this topic made Gray, et al. to resort to using secondary data leading to the qualitative approach that they used. The main limitation of the study is the lack of quantitative data to strengthen the argument presented.”