Food and Agricultural Business

Key Elements of the Report

Structure, grammar, and spelling 10 marks
Executive Summary

  • Well written and clear
  • Highlights the key findings and recommendation
  • No more than one page but long enough to provide sufficient information for those that might read the report

Logical Headings
Good grammar and spelling

  • Read clearly
  • Clear and professional formatting

Two to Four Clear and Credible Options 40 Marks
Clearly state and motivate the idea

  • Good justification of market potential
  • Description of category and its attributes
  • Some supporting information
  • How is it different from what is on the market?
  • Why would people buy it?
  • What is the market potential?

Challenges and Limitations 25 marks

  • Acknowledge and describe the difficulties with the different options

Clear Criteria for Making Recommendations 15 marks
How should Maple Leaf make the decision? What should the key criteria be to include or exclude an option? Why is each criterion important?

Recommendation on Priority 10 Marks

  •  What is your recommendation to Maple Leaf?
  •  Why are you recommending or not recommending the options?
  •  How do they fit the criteria?