Circulation and the Blood Vessels

13.4 General Information about Blood Vessels  (View Talon Tutorial:  Blood Vessels) (Lab Act. #2)

Objective –c13bob02 – List the order of the following blood vessels and state their function:  (1)

  1. Use the terms to complete the following:

away, capillaries, capillaries, exchange, oxygen-rich, towards, valves, veins,

  1. Arteries – elastic vessels that carry blood ___ from the heart.
  2. Arterioles – smaller arteries that contain mainly smooth muscle in their walls. These are the ones that are capable of dilation and constriction.  These carry _____blood from the arteries to the __
  3. Capillaries – are built for _____. Filtration, osmosis and diffusion are the main mechanisms for movement through the pores and cells of the capillary.
  4. Venules – venules connect ___ to ____.
  5. Veins – carry blood ___ the heart. These blood vessels contain __ in their wall that prevent backflow of blood.
  1. Place the following in order of systemic circulation beginning with arteries.

_ arteries
_ capillaries
_ venules
_ arterioles

  1. Regarding capillaries
    1. Composed of ___cells and a basement___. Thus very thin.
    2. Why do red bloods cells need to “squeeze” through capillaries?
    3. What is the function of precapillary sphincters?


13.5 Physiology of Circulation 

 Objective (c13bob08) – Define pulse, blood pressure, systolic pressure and diastolic pressure. (1)  Define normal blood pressure, hypertension and hypotension. (1)

  1. Blood pressure is the __ exerted by blood on a vessel wall.
  2. Systolic pressure =
  3. Diastolic pressure =
  4. Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg – which measurement is the systolic pressure and which is the diastolic pressure?
  5. What is a sphygmomanometer? What artery is commonly used to take blood pressure?
  6. What is the clinical term used for high blood pressure?
  7. What is the clinical term used for low blood pressure?