Edmund Kemper – Co Ed Killer

Select a serial killer (Edmund Kemper). Using Google and manual readings, write a 2–3-page report that includes the following:

Any relevant information that was used or that you feel could have been used in profiling the serial killer.Theories of criminology you feel might help explain the serial killer’s criminal behavior.The theory of victimization you think best explains the selection of the victim

For each theory selected:

Discuss the key points.Apply the key points to explain the serial killer’s specific criminal behavior (method of operation).Identify the characteristics (for example ethnicity, gender, age, profession, and socioeconomic status) of his or her victims and discuss how the characteristics seem to be associated with the type of serial killer you chose.

Include an APA-formatted reference page that links back to your in-text citations and supports your recommendations. Remember, you cannot have only in-text citations or only references. You must have both because in-text citations and references link to each other.

Note: would like to add Ed Kemper helped the FBI found the behavioral analysis unit through extensive interviews and understanding the mentality of serial killers