Instructions: Answer the five questions below. Review and respond to each of the following questions. Each response should be substantive, meaning at least three to four sentences demonstrating analytical thought. If the response is simply yes or no, or a short single sentence, you will likely receive either partial or no credit for that question.

Each question is worth 10 points each. The instructor is looking for the substantiveness of responses, whether you provide a response that meets the minimum word count (50-70 words), and whether you provided citations (when applicable). Your responses will also be reviewed for logic. NOTE: Even though this information may come from the textbook, you are expected to state the information in your own words and cite it.


  • What limitations do courts impose on police in the use of deception in interrogation of suspects?


  • If a suspect invokes their 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination, are the police prohibited from asking any questions? How long does the invocation of the right against self-incrimination last? When might the police be able to begin asking investigatory questions again?


  • How can police conduct a proper line-up procedure? What might be some of the practical limitations to the line-up procedure?


  • How can the police conduct a proper photo pack identification procedure?


  • How does a judge determine whether a confession is proper? When might a judge reject a confession?