Graphing Demand

In healthcare, depending upon the dynamic environment, we very well may have many demand graphs in effect at any one time.

For each of the demand graphs below, provide a non-healthcare example that relates to each one.  Explain how each variable you chose supports each demand graph (you may copy/paste these graphs into your response if you would like).

Next, Discuss how/why specific health services do (or do not) follow each demand curve – and why.  Be specific!  You may need to assume a specific market environment condition, etc. to get your point across.

Finally, conclude your review of this assignment by discussing what other factor(s) may contribute towards influencing healthcare demand, other than price.  List plausible examples to support each example offered.

Be sure to utilize outside references/resources to demonstrate your ongoing study efforts on this Module’s topics (as appropriate) and submit before the due date listed in the course syllabus.