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Writing Experiential Learning Essays
GOAL: To describe (articulate) the learning so the evaluator can recognize it.

REMEMBER: Credit is awarded for learning not the experience! Experience is the framework or the environment learning takes place in.

BEFORE WRITING: A lot of time is spent identifying knowledge before the actual writing occurs.

COMMON ERROR: Writing about experience and not showing learning.

DAVID KOLB, a noted professor and researcher from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, developed a model to help adults get learning out of their experience.

Kolb’s Premise: Learning involves a CYCLE OF FOUR PROCESSES which must each be present for learning to occur most completely.

1.Concrete Experience is the personal involvement in a specific, direct experience with this topic. Who, what, why, how long?

2.Reflection and Observation on this experience are important. Ask yourselves: What did I think? What did I notice? What worked/did not work? Will I do something differently now as a result of this experience?

3.Abstract Concepts are the logical conclusions drawn from your reflection. This is the brainwork. You should ask yourselves: What did I learn? Did I see a trend or pattern? Think beyond your situation would this work for others? This is the place to interact with the theories of others. You should cite theories from books or articles you have read about this subject.

4.Active Experimentation is the application of knowledge in a new situation. You must go outside of the situation you are in and use the learning differently.