Organisational Culture


Introduce the topic and the discussion relating to the general importance of Culture and justify your chosen organisation and Cultures.

  • The student should introduce her/his assignment explaining how and why Culture is important.
  • The student should also explain the reasons behind her/his organisation’s choice and the organisational Culture, as distinct from the cultures of the Countries in which the company has expanded.

Use of theoretical frameworks

Use the relevant theoretical frameworks to analyse your chosen Countries.

  • The student should apply one or more frameworks to the chosen Cultures. Any of the studied frameworks can be used, however the use of the frameworks must be limited to the relevant dimensions.

Organisation approach

Analyse how the organisation adapted to cultural differences through the appropriate frameworks and the outcomes of the strategies employed.

  • Once analysed the different Cultures, the student should explain the strategies used by the company to overcome intercultural differences and the outcomes obtained.
  • In case of failure the student should explain, for example, why the company did not adapt and the outcomes of this lack of adaptation.


What are the specific implications of your analysis for your chosen organisation, and what are the generic implications for organisations entering culturally different markets, based on your analysis?

  • Based on the previous analysis, the student should produce recommendations for the chosen organisation and recommendations for other organisations which are planning to expand in the same Countries.


This section should provide an overall summary of your work, in relation to the impact of culture.

  • The student should finalise the assignment (not just end it!) also explaining the impact of culture on the organisations.