Mental Health Stigma
Worksheet 7: Literature Review Outline
Instructions: This worksheet was designed to help you create an outline of your Literature Review that is due at the end of this semester (for more information about this assignment, please see the document named “Literature Review Assignment Information” in the files section of Canvas), as well as the Panopto video named Literature Review Assignment Information Video also located in Canvas. In the current worksheet, I would like you build the outline you will use to complete the final assignment. Below you will see a description of each section, and then you will fill out the bolded sections. After submitting this assignment, I will give you feedback that you will be able to use to complete the final version of the literature review.
- Introduction: The introduction is used to establish the context of your review to the reader. To establish the context, it is important to do the following in this opening paragraph:
- Define the topic of your study and provide any background information that helps your reader to understand the topic.
- Explain your reason (perspective) for reviewing the literature on this topic.
- State your inquiry question for this review.