Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) processes.

It is vital that special education teachers understand the process for identifying individuals with disabilities and involve general education teachers, special education teachers, administration, parents, and other experts. The most valuable part of this process is collecting and analyzing data through the Response to Intervention (RTI) or Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) processes. Teachers will need to understand these processes, know how to follow the processes, and be able to articulate the processes to other stakeholders.

For this assignment, take on the role of a special education teacher at a K-5 elementary school. Your principal has asked you to prepare a presentation to inform new general education teachers about the basics of special education identification and referral, evaluation, and eligibility for individuals with disabilities.

Create a 10 step presentation on the topic of special education referral, evaluation, and placement procedures.

Within your presentation:

* Review the RTI and MTSS processes and how they support students with and without disabilities who are struggling academically.

* Describe laws, policies, and procedures regarding referrals, assessments, and placements for students who have, or are suspected as having, a disability. Include which individuals may make such a referral, and distinguish special education identification from a special education referral .

* Identify rights and responsibilities of students being evaluated for special education services, their parents, teachers, schools, and other professionals within the evaluation process .

* Include a title on each step.

* a minimum of three scholarly resources, referencing all applicable laws and policies.