This article is entitled The Big Market Delusion: Valuation and Investment Implications was written by Bradford Cornell and Aswath Damodaran in the FAJ in 2020.

The complete article is attached as a pdf file (“Cornell & Damodaran FAJ 2020 The Big Market Delusion Valuation and Investment Implications.pdf”)

Once you have read the article, please write a one page article review that answers the following three questions:

1. What is the main point of the article?

2. How does the article connect to or extend what we have studied?

3. What impact does the article have on how you will make your own financial decisions in your job or regarding your own investments?

Attached several supplemental PowerPoint presentations that we have studied. It is very important that you review them and see how they can relate to the article. Specifically, the attachments:

1) “Chapter 5_Bonds, Bond Valuation, and Interest Rates.ppt”
2) “Chapter 7_Valuation of Stocks.ppt”
3) “Chapter 18_Public and Private Financing: Initial Offerings, Seasoned Offerings, and Investment Banks.ppt”