Write an essay of at least 500 words and no more than 600 words in which your response to one of the videos listed below:

  • “Donut People” – Directed and Edited by Keeley Steenson
  • Any two of the seven “Tacos of Texas” videos, presented by Mando Rayo and Jarod Neece

Write about your initial reactions to the videos. Were you entertained? Enlightened? Challenged? Explain and give specific details. Write about things you learned while Googling words and/or foods mentioned in the videos. Or, you might choose to go one step further and write about the connections between the videos. These are just a few examples and should not limit you.

In order to do well on this essay, you should:

  • Briefly summarize the video(s) about which you are writing. The word briefly is key here; the majority of your essay should be response and analysis.
  • Discuss what argument the video appears to be making (i.e. what it’s about, what story it’s telling) and discuss which elements of the video (narration, soundtrack, images) are most impactful.
  • Proofread carefully, eliminating all distracting errors.
  • Organize your ideas into coherent paragraphs and sentences.
  • Stay within the prescribed word count
  • Adhere to MLA Document Design guidelines
  • And finally, you may use first person pronouns here!