International Finance, Cross rates

The information you present in the report is up to you but there are some questions that must be specifically addressed. These are listed below and must be incorporated into your report/presentation.

  1. Comment in no more than 2-3 paragraphs on the exchange rate movement of each of the two chosen currencies (i.e. the Australian Dollar and the Turkish Lira) over the time period shown and make any comments as to possible explanatory causes you believe may have contributed to any noticeable patterns, peaks or troughs in the diagrams shown


  • Note* While Covid-19 certainly had an impact on exchange rates, it must be remembered that this was a relatively recent event (2020 -2022). Your discussion should therefore be inclusive of the entire 5 years shown on the graphs.


  1. Comment on whether the Australian Dollar and the Turkish Lira have appreciated or depreciated over this period in terms of the Chinese Renminbi. Justify your analysis with relevant calculations using the information shown below (which was taken from the diagrams).


Year Australian Dollar/ Chinese Renminbi rate Turkish Lira / Chinese Renminbi rate
18 Jan 2017 5.17838 1.82311
18 Jan 2018 5.12899 1.68475
18 Jan 2019 4.86940 1.26408
18 Jan 2020 4.71856 1.16493
18 Jan 2021 4.98210 0.867676
18 Jan 2022 4.56488 0.469323
  1. We also have access to the cross rates for USD/TRY for the same comparable time period i.e. the United States Dollar and the Turkish Lira. These cross rates have been added to the previous table and are shown below. Based on these three (3) series of cross rates, complete the table below showing the cross rates for the Australian Dollar / United States Dollar (AUD/USD) for the time periods listed below. In other words, calculate the cross rates for column 5 below.



Year Australian Dollar/ Chinese Renminbi



Turkish Lira / Chinese Renminbi



United States Dollar / Turkish Lira



Australian Dollar / United States Dollar



18 Jan 2017 5.17838 1.82311 3.76184  
18 Jan 2018 5.12899 1.68475 3.81868  
18 Jan 2019 4.86940 1.26408 5.35780  
18 Jan 2020 4.71856 1.16493 5.88842  
18 Jan 2021 4.98210 0.867676 7.46804  
18 Jan 2022 4.56488 0.469323 13.511  



  1. Plot the movement of the cross rates you calculated from part c) on a separate diagram. Clearly label your axes. In no more than 1-2 sentences, briefly comment on the cross rate diagram you have constructed.


  1. You must have a bibliography using the Harvard system of referencing citing any readings, links, urls’s, etc. for the materials you used. A suggested number of references is between 4 – 10 references. Harvard referencing information can be found on the USQ Library main site ( Note in particular the Web Documents and sites link if you are using internet references.


  1. Finally, don’t forget that your report should be concise and should be no more than 500 words in length or alternatively no more than 10 PowerPoint slides in total. Note that word length excludes tables, appendices and calculations. As such, any detailed technical information can be inserted into appendices to your report if need be. Finally, while in text citations do count as part of your word limit, your references list (bibliography) does not.