Pack back Assignment 10

Pack back is a mandatory interactive social media program we will use in BCHE 341. Participation is a requirement for this course, and the Packback Questions platform will be used for online discussion about class topics.  In order to receive points per week, you must answer 2   question written by classmates and give your opinion and shed detail insight with your responses on the questions being asked.

First thing to do for the assignment:

  • When answering the two question above you must include the below a – c:
  1. What is the thesis of your Response? Write a brief statement before your response to sum up what your response will discuss before you start writing the response.
  2. Defend your Response. Make the case from your perspective on the topic of the question!! Why do you believe the argument you are making in your own response is correct or valid to what the classmate proposed in the questions? What data or examples can you include to support your perspective?
  3. Cite your source by posting a link or typing a book title. Must have references for both questions and include at the bottom of the sheet.
  • When writing the response of course give the facts and details on what you found through research, however, make it personal in the sense of write a written response for other class peers to read and understand where you are coming from on the topic of discussion. Let the peer know in your response whether you agree or disagree with the information they are providing us with in their description under their question.
  • Do not plagiarize any information found, put answers into your own words. Answer all parts of the two questions asked below fully and the professor said the answer needs to be strong answers with reasoning to back up why you feel the way you do about the subject.

Second thing to do for the assignment:

  • Answer the below two questions in your own words according to the above information in part 1:

Question 1:  What properties allow for bacteria to survive inside of the stomach?

Question 2: Are there any coupled reactions that are useful to make products that we use for technology?