Complete the incident form on the next page for the following hypothetical scenario

  (Suggested word count 200 words)  (10%)

You are admitting a patient, Zuri Abimbola, 72 years of age to the ward.  Zuri has been admitted with a urinary tract infection and you learn that she has a history of mild dementia. She lives in supported residential accommodation.  Zuri is asthmatic and uses Ventolin inhaler as required: she is halfway through a course of prednisolone for exacerbation of asthma. She is partially sighted, and you are informed she has left her glasses at home.  Zuri has a history of falls both at home and on previous admissions.

After handover you notice that Zuri’s mouth appears very dry, and she asks for some water.  She tells you she has not had anything to drink all afternoon.  Her water jug is full, but she tells you she can’t pour it herself due to the shakes in her hand caused by her medication. Zuri’s daughter just arrives to visit and when learning of her mother’s difficulties, and apparent lack of care, challenges you.


 Complete the incident report below about the issues of concern in this scenario and then consider how you, as a student nurse working with your practice supervisor would manage this situation in the action plan (activity 2 (b).