Change Management Simulation Paper

In the change management simulation, as the Director of Product Innovation you were faced with an urgent business need to implement strategic change at Spectrum Sunglass Company. As a middle manager, you lacked formal authority (power) and had to rely on influence to gain support to implement the change. Success required you to accurately diagnose the situation, build and maintain credibility, and develop a plan that included using the appropriate change levers or actions at the right time. Having completed the Change Management Simulation, prepare a 5 – 7 page paper that:

• Analyzes how effectively you diagnosed the situation including identifying individuals who could be early adopters and those that were resisters. How helpful were factors such as the formal organizational hierarchy and social network information?

• Discusses the strategy you developed to influence organizational member to mobilize and move them to adopt the change initiative. Identify and describe the change theories and/or models that influenced your strategy and their effectiveness.

• Evaluates why you were successful or unsuccessful as a change agent and middle manager without formal authority including what you did well and what were your missteps. Analyze when and why did you gained or lost credibility, and its impact on your success.

• Reflects on the three important lessons learned or insights gained from the simulation about being an effective change leader, and identify one action you will take to enhance your future effectiveness in leading change