Principles of sustainability-invasive specie discussion

Based on Chapters 7 & 11  use textbook for reference material

Part 1

  1. Identify a species to create a 2-3 paragraph report. Choose an endangered, keystone or invasive species … try to choose something out of the ordinary
    1. Create a word document about the species, it’s role in an ecosystem, how it interacts with humans and others and some general facts.


  1. Send part 1 for posting.  Client will post and get a peer discussion to respond to.
    1. It must be posted before you can receive material to respond to
    2. Both parts must be done before deadline. Assignment IS NOT complete when part 1 is sent to client you must wait for part 2

Part 2

Respond to: a peer posting, from your classmate about what they taught you! This is a discussion engage do not evaluate.