Get out movie

Format: You are required to write two short essays (guideline: you should plan on writing a minimum of 3 double-spaced pages for each question.)
1. Read the questions carefully.
2. Plan both essays before writing them.
3. Write! And put emphasis on substance rather than length of answers.
4. You are required to refer concretely to the texts we read in your answers. This means you will need to cite quotes and passages. The most straightforward way to
do this is in-text like this: (Fanon 234).


1. Watch the film Get Out (dir. Jordan Peele, 2017) and read the W.E.B.
Du Bois and Frantz Fanon texts. Then, write a short essay that answers the following questions:

In what ways do the works of Du Bois and Fanon help make sense of characters and events in the film? In your answer, refer concretely to the film (scenes, dialogue, characters) and to the Du Bois and Fanon readings.

2. Taiaiake Alfred and Glen Sean Coulthard both argue that colonialism in Canada is a continuous project. It is ongoing. At the same time, a shift in colonial power relations has taken place. The face of colonialism in Canada today is different from what it was in the past. In what ways, according to each thinker (both Alfred and Coulthard), has the colonial project in Canada transformed itself? How, according to each thinker, has the colonial project remained constant, despite these changes?