Discussion post 4

Be sure to identify either A or B in your Discussion Post Title.

Identify the dependent variable(s) in the case.

What method(s) of data collection would be most appropriate to measure the behavior defined in the scenario? Provide a rationale as to why the chosen method(s) of data collection would be most appropriate? What, if any, limitation does this data collection method have?

How would you account for reliability and validity of your measurement procedures?

Create a set of hypothetical data (using 8 – 10 data points) to align with the scenario and create a basic graphical representation that aligns with APA conventions for one set of behavioral data. Save your graph as a PDF document and attach it to the discussion posting.


Sarina is a 6-year-old who engages in non-compliant behavior and physical aggression. These behaviors are evident both at home and at school. Frequently, when given a direction to complete a task, Sarina will refuse to comply, shouting things such as “No!” or “I don’t feel like doing that!” When her parents or staff attempt to redirect her non-compliance, she will become physically aggressive and attempt to hit or kick others. She has also been observed throwing objects and destroying property when she gets upset under these circumstances. Sarina’s aggressive behavior has caused minor injuries to both classmates and her younger brother.