Online collaboration and innovation

In Brief you are asked to write an essay in response to the question:
Q: What facilitates effective online collaboration and innovation? You should illustrate your answer with discussion of at least two of the nine examples from Module 2. You should also use one or more of the theories of online collaboration and innovation covered in Module 1.

In Detail
This question brings together the theories explored in the unit so far with the research we have conducted together in Module 2. There are many thesis statements you could formulate to answer the question well. For instance, you may focus on technical features and design, social structures and conditions that effect participation, or theories of motivation. You should approach this essay like a research project: select your case studies/examples to research further, take notes, plan your argument, and refine your thesis statement in response to the research as you start to draft your essay. You should make good use of some of the research material collected for Assignment 1, the required readings from Module 1, and carefully construct an argument drawing on these resources.

Present a clear and coherent argument in response to the question;
Engage the reader and effectively communicate;
Engage critically and meaningfully with relevant unit required readings;
Select and engage with relevant further references from your own research;
Follow conventions of referencing (APA), grammar and expression appropriate for an academic writing.