Healthcare system in the United States

e final paper should demonstrate an ability to synthesize concepts covered in the course and conclude with your thoughts on how to revise the current healthcare reform legislation to solve the problems of cost, access and quality. References must include:

Plus at least three articles from professional or academic journals, or .gov websites
Follow these instructions carefully. Your paper should summarize the current health care environment under ACA and its’ impact on:

1. Health care providers (such as physicians, hospitals, therapists, nurses, etc.)
2. Health care payers (government and insurers)
3. Employers
4. Cost, Access and Quality
5. Finally, conclude with your projections for the future of health care in America. Should ACA be repealed and replaced? Or, what are your recommendations for how it might be improved? Be specific by discussing which provisions should be sustained and which need to be revised, as well as how it will be financed.