Agent of socialization, shaping and reinforcing

The directions are as follows: For this paper, analyze a film. Films are one agent of socialization, shaping and reinforcing our views of the world. Pick any film of your choice and analyze its content, looking closely at what it is teaching us. You might analyze how the film represents social class, or crime, or race/ethnicity, or gender, etc. Be critical and give examples from the movie to back up your claims. Write the paper as if I have not seen the movie.

The paper needs to be at minimum 1000 words. This word count does not count the works cited section. Do not forget to cite the book. To do this, use any recognized citation style such as MLA, Chicago Style, APA, ASA, etc. Make sure to tell me at the end of the paper what citation style you are using or you will lose points. Also make sure to use the required class textbook (i.e. do not solely draw material from a non-required sociology textbook although you may cite additional sources besides the class textbook). When attaching your files, please make sure they are word files, .pdf files, or .txt files. You can write a longer paper than required; however, note that if your paper is short in length, there is a penalty. Whatever % of your paper is missing…I take that % off your final grade. In other words, if you provide me 1/2 of a paper, the most you can earn is a grade of 50 on the paper if everything else is perfect.