This assignment is designed to give you an opportunity to work with some of the tools that we encourage our clients to use in making life choices, to help you address some of your own concerns and questions around death and dying, and help you to think about how you can make more meaningful choices about your life each day.  To receive a superior grade on this project, you must meet the following criteria: Complete the form(s) for your state of residence:

Georgia or Tennessee Advance Directive for Health Care. This form will be provided for you. Create your written program of your service and attach to your paper. Write your obituary and attach to your paper. You can choose your age for your obituary and create your “future life”. Procure a complete funeral cost sheet (many students visit a local funeral home for this information) Write your paper including:

A discussion of one macro concept of aging in America. Include 3 scholarly references to support your discussion. A description of your funeral including description of the service you’d like to have including type of burial or cremation, “visitation” prior to the funeral service open or closed casket, type of casket, vault, any special services, and burial location. Include your reaction to the costs involved. Memorial Table – Items that represent your life Now assume your funeral or memorial service was beautiful and went as you planned it. Now all of your friends and family members have gathered in your home. They have created a memorial table, filling it with mementos of your life. These will be personal items which had special meaning to you, but also bring the memory of you into clear focus. These items may cover your entire life.

What will represent each period of your life and to whom will each item be important? What values or qualities will people remember about you? How do you wish to be remembered?

Reflection – Personal and Professional Include within your paper a 2-3 page reflective section identify and discussing any personal and cultural attitudes, beliefs or values about dying, death, and bereavement that emerged for you and your loved ones. Include answers to the following questions:

What is your culture? How does your culture view dying/death? What was this experience like for you? Did your family or significant other have reactions to your completion of this project? Did these issues or concerns facilitate or restrict your completion of this assignment? How will you be able to use this assignment as part of your social work practice? Present “Your Funeral” in the forum. You can share (or not share) any part or parts that you choose, but you must share something.