Campaign cat

Planning a Campaign cat As part of the final project you will work on one health issue that is of concern. in the U.S. (or a country of your choice) and people n motivated to change their havior. Egn smoking, drinking and driving mental illness/stress/ depression child care, drugs, vaccinating children, preventing c outh, Spread of HIV/AIDS, eating fruits and vegetables. Include the following in your Report

1, What are the most important concerns and how is it affecting the targeted audience? iny past campaigns and results of those campaigns, low widespread is the disease in 3 different countries?

2. What kind of campaigns are they running to create awa)Th mo vatton among the people? .

3. What if any intervention programsicommunit3 initiatives have they developed to prevent the spread of disease?

4. Based on the above a You need to create awareness in your conimunity on the problem and persuade people to change.

5. Create TWO advertisementsiposter. Come up with interesting headlines, visuals,, a short copy and a slogan to motivate people to change to be printi newspapers and as a poster to be put in local outlets aa across campuses, bus bays, kiosks etc. Follow the format given below

6. Suggest any two other supporting intervention programs to educate the target audience to change their behaviors or adopt the practices being advertised.

7. Suggest the media that you will use forpromoting the Campaign Mass and Social Media

8 Pretest c campaign on a few people of the target group to evaluate the effectiveness of the message content of the campaign and analyze the data that you gel target.

9 Write out the report and the put the campaign together, and post it in the dropbox.