American Government

Style: This is not a formal essay, per se.  You do not need an intro or a conclusion.  Just tell me what your topic is, give me your thesis. Thesis being 3-pronged. From here you will have 3 paragraphs to support your thesis points with evidence.

Remember:  Each paragraph should have an absolute minimum of 3-4 cites and it is better to over cite than under cite.

 You can follow the format below

Body: point  1. 1st paragraph.

Your 1st sentence should tell us about your first point from your thesis.

Will be a single paragraph in length.

You will then provide supporting evidence for this 1st point and this point  only.

Use terms and concepts from the course to ground it in the discipline.


Body: point  2. 2nd paragraph.

Your 1st sentence should tell us about your second point from your thesis.

Will be a single paragraph in length.

You will then provide supporting evidence for this second point and this point  only.

Use terms and concepts from the course to ground it in the discipline.


 III. Body: point 3. 3rd paragraph.

Your 1st sentence should tell us about your  third point from your thesis.

Will be a single paragraph in length.

You will then provide supporting evidence for this third point and this point only.

Use terms and concepts from the course to ground it in the discipline.

Source Material:  (6 sources)

You will need at least 3 peer-reviewed sources.

This will help ground it in facts, not conjecture.

You will need 3 other sources that are reliable.