The Impact of Cyber Safety

You will design a comprehensive action research plan to research the identified topic or focus area from Assessment 1

This assessment is creating a Research Action Plan based on Assessment 1: Please use these subheadings for structure and REFER TO THE RUBRIC ATTACHED! You must read my assessment 1 and gnerally it is lacking specificity.. please address the notes… It’s not about Rewriting this.. its about based a NEW research action plan based on this.

Introduction– Identify the topic, including the rationale for this study. Discuss the background (based on research literature identified in Assessment 1) and significance (importance) of this topic for education.

Research question/s- Clearly and specifically identify the questions that your proposed research will answer.

Methodology– a detailed description of the methods you will use to answer the research question/s including the type of research, your data collection techniques, your data analysis procedures; REFER TO the paragraph Intervention and measurement of Outcomes (and make adjustments to this and add on so its more detailed).

Research ethics- a clear statement regarding the ethical considerations, including any ethical dilemmas that must be considered – including appropriate considerations and permissions to protect human participants in the research.

Action- a discussion of how the proposed research could inform educational practice and/or policy.