Many philosophers have chosen to express philosophy in the form of dialogues, plays, novel, and other literary forms. Film makers have often chosen philosophical themes as the focus of their messages on film. This section of the course allows us to see the relationship between philosophy and the arts. Here are some steps to guide you: 1. Choose a film, dialogue, play, or novel and write a short paper (500-750 words) about your experiences. Watch or read a piece of literature during this semester, which you have not seen or read before. Summarize the main points of this experience. 2. Clearly link the film or literature to a branch of philosophy (e.g., ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, aesthetics, logic, social and political philosophy) or the ideas of a philosopher (in the western or eastern tradition including the feminist philosophers and the postcolonial thinkers covered in this course). You may draw from your knowledge of the philosophy from this course or other online or other research. This is the most important part of this assignment. 3. Draw some conclusions about the philosophical material you’ve experienced by showing how this may have contributed to your own development or understanding of a philosophical theme, debated issue (e.g., determinism vs. free will), or social/political contemporary issue. (Refer to Encyclopedia of Philosophy ( and the required text for more information on philosophical themes) In sum: your final post (the Philosophy and the Arts discussion thread under Week 3) should have these three points covered and marked clearly.