Brands and the usage of Social Media Right

Read “How Brands Using Social Media Ignite Marketing and Drive Growth” and “5 Brands That Got Social Media Right in 2015” to prepare for this discussion. As you read through these articles, really focus in on how the authors are rating and defining social media usage. It’s one thing to talk about a successful social media campaign, while it’s completely another to actually try to categorize, analyze, and articulate what makes it successful. These ideas will also be useful for you when you move on to our case studies in the next discussion. This activity aligns with Module Outcome 1.

• Based on your own reading of the two articles, your exposure to social media, and awareness of marketing in general, what, in your mind, are the two most important findings here? (Keep in mind that we will use these ideas moving forward.) In your opinion, what are the two most important strategies that organizations can employ to “ignite marketing” and get “social media right”? Why these in particular?

• We talked a bit about “emotional attachment” in our module notes. As you look through the examples of marketing campaigns in “5 Brands That Got Social Media Right in 2015,” which most resonates with you? Analyze the message – why do you think this is? What makes you connect with it?