Alternatives Of Cement

-We have introduced UWLFlex – our new, online, flexible learning platform. UWLFlex has been designed to complement face-to-face learning and build on our reputation for
excellence in teaching, learning and student support. We will be able to deliver a University experience that is more collaborative, active, and relevant for an increasingly digital world thus enabling us to provide you with an improved student experience. UWLFlex will provide you with an enhanced range of online tools, to help facilitate your learning whether this takes place primarily on site or online.

Module summary content and aims
-This module is designed to provide students with the chance to investigate an area of Civil and Built Environment which is directly related to their course.
-This will enable the student to develop research and written communication skills while they gain a greater understanding of the profession.

1. To provide the opportunity for students to undertake an independent piece of work of a demanding nature.
2. To enable students to investigate, in depth, a subject in which they have a particular interest and of their own selection.
3. To provide students with an opportunity to stretch their intellectual and technical skills.
4. To encourage the students to develop new forms of analysis, conclusions and policies which may make an original contribution to the knowledge in the field of study concerned.
5. To encourage both clarity and depth of thought in that the project involves analysis of a problem in depth and the development of a logical sequence of ideas.
6. To provide students with an opportunity of learning how to acquire detailed information on a particular issue. It will involve them in the use of bibliographies, libraries and library reference systems. It will involve them in using primary sources of data such as a census, and it will involve the collection of new data through interviews, surveys and archival research.
7. To acquire proper usage as well as presentation and communication of data.