Coursework-Brand Management

This assignment requires you to select TWO of the following four questions below and answer each of the two questions in a well-researched, well-argued and referenced essay. Each of the two essays must be 1000 words (+/- 10%) long, well-researched, well-argued, draw on relevant brand theories and at least 6 relevant academic references (the required core reading material and 5+ additional academic sources) in support. Relevant academic sources include papers published in peer-reviewed marketing journals or in marketing conference proceedings, book chapters in edited books and books/research monographs. You are free to draw on 1-2 sources published in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters or books from other academic fields such as sociology, media studies, cultural anthropology, organizational behavior or economics. But note that websites, blogs, social media, tabloid and online news articles are not and do not count as “relevant academic sources” in any form and must be avoided.

All questions carry 50 marks.
1. Brand Authenticity is not just strongly associated with a brand’s heritage, but also considered to be a major asset in a brand’s image and reputation.
Critically discuss why Beverland (2005), nonetheless, argues that there is still widespread confusion surrounding the nature and use of authenticity and its implications for brands and branding. (1000 words)

2. Compare how the brand stories of Brewdog and Caterpillar differ from each other in terms of their narrative plots. Critically examine the mythological themes, archetypical characters and other storytelling devices that their brand managers have drawn on to tell those brand stories. (1000 words)

3. Critically discuss Holt’s (2016) conceptualisation of “iconic brands”. How does his point of view compare with your own one? (1000 words)

4. Since its launch in 2006, Boohoo has been praised as the fashion retailer brand of the future, which sells the latest on-trend clothes directly to shoppers at affordable prices, while also being endorsed by a range of celebrities and social media influencers. However, in June/July 2020, it came to light that Boohoo has knowingly tolerated the poor working conditions and far-below minimum wages of its main suppliers in Leicester for years. Furthermore, its ‘fast fashion’ business model of selling cheaply-produced and quickly-disposed clothing is also directly responsible for growing waste, pollution and other environmental damages.

Critically examine how Boohoo’s senior management has responded to this brand crisis versus how, in an ideal world, they should have responded to it. What does their response say about Boohoo’s brand values and brand equity? (1000 words)