Physical and mental health

The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate understanding of the need to address both physical and mental health needs when providing care across a range of patient and client groups. You will be given a scenario based on a patient or client from your field of practice. You will then:

• Outline relevant policy or guidelines related to integrating the physical and mental health needs of the client group.
• Discuss the effectiveness of current practice and potential barriers to integration of care that may exist based on appropriate literature.
• Consider how nurses might address stigma that could affect the client group in the given scenario.

The word limit for this piece of work is 2000 words.

A retired miner who suffers from a long-term occupational lung disease is now housebound and dependent on long term oxygen therapy. He lives alone and finds it difficult to mobilise around his house. He has few family or friends nearby as they-have all “moved away”.

He used to love going to see the local football team and visiting his local pub but now finds that impossible. He does not see anyone for days at a time and feels isolated.