Machine learning approaches to drug response in cancer

(1) Introducing the theoretical background of the topic (for example Genomics: structure and regulation of the genome)

(2) Explaining the technologies and bioinformatic tools used for study and analysis (for example Genomics: you have studied NGS as a tool to study DNA alterations, and BLAST to do pairwise sequence analysis). You also had the opportunity to practice the use of these bioinformatics tools after each lecture.

(3) Applications in human disease: For example, you studied how genomics was used to discover, and analyse BRCA1 gene expression in breast and ovarian cancer.

Based on the above your research topic should be structured as follows:

(1) You will use a maximum of 5 publications, related to the topic you selected, to prepare your research topic. These publications should be recent ones (for example from the last 5 years). You can also use an older paper only if it presents a seminal discovery in the field, for example the Human Genome sequencing paper that is part of your core reading, published in Nature in 2001.

(2) The maximum number of words used is 1000 as an absolute minimum. You can write up to 1200 as a maximum number of words. Don’t count title, subtitles, and references.

(3) Youshouldincludethefollowingsubtitles:

  • a. Introduction: You will introduce your topic here.
  • b. Aim of your research: You will explain why you have chosen this topic and what doyou aim to achieve
  • c. Methods: You will explain the methods you are discussing. For example: if you are writing about GWAS you will explain this. If you are writing about proteomics, you will explain the methods used in the 5 papers you are using in your study, i.e. Mass Spec, or 2D gels….etc.
  • d. Results: You will write a summary of the results these papers achieved.
  • e. Discussion: Here you will discuss any discrepancies or controversy in the results presented in different papers. In this section you would discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this particular technology that you included in your paper.
  • f. Summary: Provide a brief summary of your research topic.
  • g. References