Children of blood and bone

Writ an answer to the question, supporting it with evidence paraphrased from your memory of the book. (EMBEDED QUOTES NOT REQUIRED, but you may use one if you wish. introduction with a thesis that answers the question, with 2 supporting body paragraphs, that support your thesis, and a conclusion.

THE QUESTION TO ANSWER IS (you pick either one) 

1- Children of blood and bone depicts a conflict between a part and a son or daughter. Write an essay in which you analyze the sources of the conflict and explain how the conflict contributes to the meaning of the work. Avoid plot summary.

– A recurring theme in literature is the classic war between a passion and a responsibility. For instance a personal cause, a love, a desire for revenge, a determination to redress a wrong, or some other emotion may drive conflict with moral duty. Choose a literary work (Children of blood and bone) In which a character confronts the demands of a private passion that conflicts with his or her responsibilities. In a week written essay, show clearly the nature of the conflict, its effects upon character, and its significance to the work.