Agency info + reflection

Part A (7pts): Since you’re not able to volunteer in person, choose an agency where you would have liked to volunteer if you were able to do community service. Please research and write the following: (250 to 500 words)
1. Agency Name

2. Agency Mission Statement and Objective

3. Why Agency Started. How did it Start?

4. Who funds the agency? Include donations, monetary contributions and volunteer hours.

5. Length of Operation in Santa Clara County.

6. Target population of the Agency. How do social and cultural concerns affect the way the agency operates?

7. Discuss the Projects of the Agency and how they impact the nutritional status of the target population (make sure you include the agency’s programs in this section). If the program does not directly deal with nutrition, how does it empower the person to be able to feed themselves (i.e. job training allows you to afford food).

Part B (3pts): What made you choose this agency? Discuss what made it appear to be a place you would have liked to do your service. Have you ever volunteered before (at any agency, not just this one)? If so, you may describe your experience in a sentence or two. (250 words)